Presentación del Policy Brief “Monitoreo de la vacunación contra la Covid-19 en Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador”

Por Carlos Mendoza
jueves, 7 julio, 2022

On June 1, we presented a regional monitoring of the implementation of vaccination plans against Covid-19 in the countries of northern Central America.

This Policy Brief contextualizes the social, political and economic complexity in which the pandemic develops and presents a diagnosis on the design and progress of vaccination, and some considerations that make it possible to increase the effectiveness, accessibility and transparency of the three processes. It also explains how the national public health authorities of each of the countries have carried out immunization campaigns in terms of public spending, bilateral purchases, accessibility, and communication campaigns.

During the event, Isabel Reyes, Diálogos Researcher, presented the main findings and recommendations to strengthen the vaccination process against Covid -19 and pointed out that «there are currently difficulties in the timely distribution of the vaccine between countries, but it is important to analyze the differences contextual aspects of each country, where political, cultural, social, ethnic and economic dynamics shaped the management and distribution of resources and vaccines. The evidence shows that marginalized groups, despite facing an unequal burden of mortality and disease, had less chance of accessing the vaccine, so it is important to address the political needs for inclusion to ensure the universality of the vaccine.

We have the participation of representatives of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States (CDC for its acronym in English), the Coordination of NGOs and Cooperatives – Congcoop-, the Data Laboratory, Global Communities, officials of the Congress of the republic.

To learn more about our findings and recommendations, you can read and download the Policy Brief here: -and-el-salvador

The event is available to view on Facebook.

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